CAII today.....
"Need a resonable assessment of illegal immigration?" Stik has a thoughtful video for your viewing pleasure.
If you can face facts……admit the truth…..cut out the self serving BS……then….immigration and for that matter illegal immigration is not nearly a complex issue......"NBC affiliate solicits donations for illegals" from Debbie at Right Truth
An NBC affiliate is soliciting donations for illegals aliens. One problem, the reporter failed to tell viewers that the 13 immigrants illegal aliens who living in 4 rooms were 'undocumented' here"Farmers Branch Illegals seeking legal remedy," from Darrell at Morning Coffee
DALLAS — A real estate broker filed a lawsuit Monday alleging members of the Farmers Branch City Council and the city's mayor repeatedly violated the state's open meetings laws to deliberate a series of anti-illegal immigration ordinances.Guillermo Ramos, of Farmers Branch, was among opponents who ......"Democratic Senator's Illegal Immigrant Wife Goes FREE," from A.C.T. at Take Back Georgia
Here's proof that if you are a politician...or a politician's WIFE, you can get away with just about anything...including DEPORTATION."Mexico can't even run itself...." from Stik at stikNstein
Ga. senator's wife turns self in to face deportation case
"I'm very nervous right now," Herrera said. "I think I'm doing the right thing.
I hope my name and my husband's name is clean.".....
Their Government is inefective at best…..their economy is trashed…..What's the best thing to do? Why not take over America?.....**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.**