"How did it come to pass that an opposition's measure of a president's foreign policy was all or nothing, success or "failure"? The answer is that the political absolutism now normal in Washington arrived at the moment--Nov. 7, 2000--that our politics subordinated even a war against terror to seizing the office of the presidency." - Daniel Henninger - WSJ 11/18/05
"the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts." - George Orwell

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

ACLU says: It's Anyones Right To Travel to the U.S.

I dunno....maybe I'm just a fool, dunce or something along those lines. The ACLU is clueless. They have all the wrong ideas about what they should be doing and who in this country matters.

Better to have one person happy with the rest of the country conforming to his/her standard.

The ACLU is at it again - this time representing two people recently convicted of a terrorism related case.

Is it written somewhere that whoever wants to come here, can? What if, we as a nation, said we didn't want "so and so" entering, would we have a right? Even if it was just the way he dressed?

From Stop The ACLU "ACLU Wants Suspected Terrorists Allowed Back Into U.S."

From the NY Times we learn that once again the ACLU either doesn’t care or doesn’t have a brain when it comes to keeping the country safe. Whichever is the case they are actively undermining our security on a daily basis. This is just the latest example.

Federal authorities have prevented two relatives of a father and son convicted recently in a terrorism-related case from returning home to California from Pakistan unless they agree to be interviewed by the F.B.I.

It is unclear whether the men, Muhammad Ismail, 45, and his son Jaber, 18, have a direct connection to the terrorism case or if they have been caught up in circumstance.

The United States attorney’s office in Sacramento declined Monday to answer questions about the Ismails beyond confirming that the men had not been permitted to fly into the United States and that the Federal Bureau of Investigation wanted to question them.

The United States attorney, McGregor W. Scott, reiterated a comment he had made to The San Francisco Chronicle, which reported Saturday about the Ismails’ troubles.

“They’ve been given the opportunity to meet with the F.B.I. over there and answer a few questions, and they’ve declined to do that,” Mr. Scott said through a spokeswoman, Mary Wenger.

The Ismails live in Lodi, Calif., a small farming town south of Sacramento, where their relatives Umer Hayat and his son, Hamid, were arrested last summer as part of what federal prosecutors said was an investigation into terrorist links.

The Hayats are the only people to have been charged. Hamid Hayat, the nephew of Muhammad Ismail and the cousin of Jaber, was convicted in April of supporting terrorists by attending a training camp in Pakistan. Umer Hayat, in a deal reached with prosecutors after jurors deadlocked on terrorism charges, pleaded guilty in May to lying to the authorities about carrying $28,000 to Pakistan from California.

The Ismails discovered they were on the federal government’s no-fly list of people not allowed to enter the United States after they were refused permission to board a connecting flight in Hong Kong on April 21; they had been trying to return to California after several years in Pakistan, said Julia Harumi Mass of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California (in bold for a commenter who has a hard time reading), who is representing them.

Read the Rest of the Post HERE...........


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