C’mon Blog World!! Let’s get with the program, I know not all of you live in the D/FW area and can’t meet for lunch on Monday, I know this has been thrown together on pretty short notice for those that DO live in the area, and I completely understand too, but here’s what you CAN do…
Copy my post and make a post in YOUR blog, link it back to here and I will return the favor, just posting about this is a tremendous help, the more bloggers that post this, the more people that will see it, and if you’re able, send the guy a $5 or $10 donation, and in the ‘MEMO’ line write in Blogger Support, we CAN help this guy, bloggers ARE a force to be reckoned with, put your money where your keyboard is, we are…
I’m sending out a BIG Texas ‘Hat Tip’ to Murray at Lone Star Diary for sending me this story, great catch Murray!!
I just talked to Dave, the Deli owner and he will be open this Sunday, but it will be his last Sunday, business is that bad, it appears that Farmers Branch has a lot of illegals focused on shutting this guy down, well, I think the wife and I are going to go have lunch at the Blue Star Deli Monday…
Anyone in the D/FW area that wants to get together and have a bloggers lunch, get together, meet and greet, drop me an email and we’ll coordinate an effort for NOON on Monday, July 16th…
Others that are blogging in support of this story, or meeting for lunch at NOON on MONDAY July 16th or are making donations:
AZAMATTEROFACT Right Truth An Ol’ Broads Ramblings The Ranando Report Isn’t it Rich I’m Thinking of the “O” Word War Tomorrow Coalition Against Illegal Immigration Charming, Just Charming Blah Blah Blog PA Pundits “7.62mm Justice” ™ Miss Beth’s Victory Dance Hillbilly Willy -Fun, Food & Politics Some Things Need to be Said Blue Star Chronicles Southern Sass on Crime
Dave Mooney, owner of the Blue Star Deli in Farmers Branch, Texas, is feeling the backlash of his support of Farmers Branch. Dave has been in the forefront of support, opening up his cafe for all types of activities to support Farmers Branch and what that city has tried to do to stop the harm illegal immigration is doing.
News has surfaced from Halliburton employees that a boycott has been called by the Hispanic and pro-illegal employees. Although, Dave didn’t have a contract for business lunches, he did receive orders to provide business lunches from time to time. These orders have now stopped. Also, it is being reported that Hispanic radio stations are broadcasting a boycott of the Blue Star.
Dave is experiencing a 50% decrease in sales receipts due to this boycott and has now taken a second job. The call is out for all of us do what we can to help Dave. If you are in the area, stop by and have one of Dave’s good hamburgers, tell others about the Blue Star Deli.
Call KSKY radio’s Mike Gallagher, KLIF’s Jeff Bolton and John David Wells, all who have had broadcasts at the Blue Star Deli, to ask their listening audience to support Dave. Let’s all do what we can to keep Dave in business.
U.S Border Watch will be sending a check to Mr Mooney, and we encourage everyone else to send him a few bucks. Five or ten dollars in a restaurant business is a lot of money. We must help those who have put their business on the line to help our cause. Below is the address and web site for the Blue Star Deli, and if you are in the area drop in and thank this fine Patriot for his support and have a burger.
Blue Star Deli
14724 Webb Chapel Rd.
Farmers Branch, TX 75234
Phone 972-247-8681