"How did it come to pass that an opposition's measure of a president's foreign policy was all or nothing, success or "failure"? The answer is that the political absolutism now normal in Washington arrived at the moment--Nov. 7, 2000--that our politics subordinated even a war against terror to seizing the office of the presidency." - Daniel Henninger - WSJ 11/18/05
"the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts." - George Orwell

Friday, August 31, 2007

Imam Mahdi – May God Hasten His Appearance; A Friday Sermon of Al Qaeda/Taliban/US Alliance

Provisional Friday Prayer Leader of Tehran Ayatollah Mohammad Kashani sermonizing before a standing room only congregation said:

"US administration is propagating a certain version of Christianity that is not based on Jesus Christ (PBUH) teachings, but after securing Zionists' interests.

Based on this mentality, the Jews must gather in Palestine and then in the course of a revolution two thirds of them to get killed, and the remainder should see the reappearance of Jesus (PBUH).

Therefore, they are after gathering the entire Jews of the world in Palestine, which is definitely a move with political and Satanic roots, but the idea is put forth in the framework of an idea behind the hope for reappearance of Messiah. US President George W. Bush is the standard bearer of that mentality. That man is loathed to an extent in the United States today that the mentality he supports, too, has very limited number of supporters."

They have Satanic interactions with the Zionists, but such a mentality has extremely weakened in the Western world today.”

So, the U.S. led by George Bush is against peace, also the nation as a whole:

“They are well aware that the governing political system in the Islamic Republic of Iran is after establishment of peace and justice in the world, and that Iran is today a divine world power.”

Now we can understand just why the Islamic Republic is so dead set against the U.S. and Western world in general. This is all well and good and if we’re really, really lucky they’ll be victorious and save us from ourselves as, “the people in the United States and Europe are living wretched lives today.”

The Prayer Leader regrets:

“that family foundation has no real meaning in their societies; philanthropy, faithfulness, friendly relations, love, living with one another, and caring for spiritual matters have no place in Western societies.”

In part, the leader is mistaken, especially the “love” part as recent news has revealed to us here in the U.S.anonymous love” that takes place daily in public restrooms across the nation.

"There is no doubt that justice would finally prevail through the channel of faith, and both God's blessings and His wrath, too, would be distributed through the same path."

The Ayatollah quoted “a saying from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) advising Christians what to do to rid themselves of the problems with which they would be entangled at the end of the world.”

This helps shed a little light upon the interest in “peaceful nukes,” which seems to point to a hastening of the “end of the world,” so that we may know peace; I knew they had our better interests in mind with this cockamamie “peaceful nukes,” thing.

Also of newsworthy note is the fact that, according to Iranian Majlis deputy National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Kazem Jalali:

"US President George W Bush and American neoconservatives make utmost use of al-Qaeda and Taliban acts, Main crimes by al-Qaeda in the world are in line with interests of the US extremists. The MP noted that news reveal that the US works with Taliban and has confidential talks with al-Qaeda. In its terrorist acts, al-Qaeda takes interests of the US and the Zionist regime into consideration. Bush has always strived to cause obstruction and raise accusations against others and Iran in particular. This is while the world's public opinion know that al-Qaeda is led by Washington."

Elsewhere, while addressing the Security Council, Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mansour Sadeghi said of Hamas:

"Hamas has came to power through an election which the whole international community recognized as fair, free and democratic.

It is therefore high time for the international community to urgently weigh in to counter the Israeli regime's inhumane policies and practices in imposing humanitarian disasters on the defenseless Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and elsewhere in the Palestinian territories."

Who knows, it's all very confusing. Perhaps this is just some of that panicked, backs up against the wall pressure that VDH theorizes they may beginning to react to.

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